TCL科技2021年报董事长李东升致辞——上坡加油 敢战能赢 再上新台阶(中英全文)

2021年,本集团实现营业收入1635.4亿元,同比增长113.3%;净利润149.6 亿元,同比增长195.3%;归属于上市公司股东净利润100.6亿元,同比增长129.2%;经营活动现金流329亿元,同比增长97%;资产负债率61.2%,降低3.8个百分点,财务状况稳健,各项经营指标大幅提高,相对竞争优势显著增强,发展再上新台阶。

优秀的经营业绩来自企业持续的变革转型、聚焦主业、增强相对竞争力,推动核心产业加快发展。TCL华星年度营业收入 881亿元,同比增长 88.4%;净利润106.5亿元,同比增长339.6%。TCL中环年度营业收入411亿元,同比增长 115.7%,净利润44.4 亿元,同比增长 200.6%,本集团其他业务也保持稳定增长。

本集团发展战略聚焦于泛半导体产业领域,以全球领先或行业领先为目标,持续增强核心能力,稳健推进各项业务发展。TCL 华星将巩固大尺寸LCD产业竞争力,保持效率优势,优化产线和产品结构,并加快中尺寸t9 项目建设。TCL 华星在LTPS 业务上已建立起相对竞争优势,正投资扩产LTPS产能(武汉t5项目);将全力提升t4 OLED产线的竞争力,努力开发下一代新型显示技术,致力于在半导体显示领域成为最有竞争力的企业。

TCL 中环新能源光伏业务已经在晶体和晶片领域建立了行业领先竞争力,随着银川晶体工厂投产,将进一步增强竞争优势。公司将完善产业链布局,积极扩展全球化业务,致力于成为全球光伏新能源行业的领先者。



展望 2022年,国际形势剧烈动荡,风险事件不断发生,对全球经济造成巨大冲击,企业要有底线思维,做好各种风险防范准备。

从去年九月份开始,半导体显示进入下行周期,受经济放缓、市场需求疲软的影响,目前形势仍不容乐观,TCL 华星业绩承压;本集团去年完成收购的茂佳科技,预期今年业务保持稳定增长,并带来利润贡献,将对半导体显示业务发挥积极作用。受惠全球节能减碳政策,新能源光伏迎来历史性机遇,TCL 中环新能源光伏业务将加快发展;中环领先半导体材料业务要把握中国集成电路产业发展的机遇,预计今年TCL 中环业务将持续强劲增长。


公司一贯重视股东回报,董事会提议每 10股分红 1.5元,与股东共享企业价值成长。



Bucking up, Speeding up and Stepping up to a New Level
ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Chairman's Statement

In 2021, the Group recorded a revenue of RMB163.54 billion, up by 113.3% year-on-year; a net profit of RMB14.96 billion, up by 195.3% year-on-year, a net profit attributable to the company’s shareholders of RMB10.06 billion, up by 129.2% year-on-year; the net cash flow generated from operating activities of RMB32.9 billion, up by 97% year-on-year; and a debt/asset ratio of 61.2%, down by 3.8 percentage points. As stated above, the financial status remains stable, various operating indicators significantly improved, relative competitive advantages were strengthened obviously, and the Group took great steps towards becoming a global leader.

Excellent business performance depends on continuous corporate transformation, with a focus on the main business, enhancing relative competitiveness and speeding up the development of core industries. TCL CSOT achieved an operating revenue of RMB88.1 billion, a year-on-year increase of 88.4%, and a net profit of RMB10.65 billion, a year-on-year increase of 339.6%. TCL Zhonghuan achieved an operating revenue of RMB41.1 billion, a year-on-year increase of 115.7%, and a net profit of RMB4.44 billion, a year-on-year increase of 200.6%. Other businesses under the Group maintained stable growth.

The Group's development strategy focuses on the pan-semiconductor industry, aiming at becoming a global leader or industry leader, continuously enhancing core competence and steadily advancing various businesses. TCL CSOT will consolidate the competitiveness of large-sized LCD business, maintain high efficiency, optimize the production line and product structure, and accelerate the development of medium-sized t9 project. TCL CSOT has established a relative competitive advantage in LTPS business and is investing in expanding LTPS production capacity (Wuhan t5 project). TCL CSOT will strive to become the most competitive enterprise in the field of semiconductor displayby enhancing the competitiveness of its t4 OLED production line and developing the next generation of new display technology.

TCL Zhonghuan new energy photovoltaic business has established industry-leading competitiveness in the field of crystals and wafers. With the production of Yinchuan Crystal Plant, it will further enhance its competitive advantage. The Company will improve its industrial chain layout, proactively expand global business, and make every effort to become a leader in the global photovoltaic new energy industry.

Zhonghuan Advanced has made considerable progress in its semiconductor materials business. While consolidating its competitive advantage of original products, it has rapidly improved the competitiveness of 12-inch products and strives to become an industry leader in China.

The Group will firmly push ahead with its development strategy for the pan-semiconductor industry and actively support the development of various industries.

The year 2022 will see a turbulent international situation. Risky events occur constantly, posing a great impact on the global economy. The Group should be prepared for various risks with worst-case scenario thinking.

The semiconductor display market has entered a downside circle since last September. In the face of a pessimistic situation affected by economic slowdown and weak market demand, TCL CSOT is under pressure. Moka Technology, acquired by the Group last year, is expected to maintain stable business growth this year and contribute to profit growth, which will play a positive role in the semiconductor display business. Benefiting from the global energy conservation and carbon reduction policy, the new energy photovoltaic business ushers in a historic opportunity. TCL Zhonghuan will accelerate the development of its new energy photovoltaic business. Zhonghuan Advanced’s semiconductor materials business will seize the opportunity brought by the development of China's integrated circuit industry. TCL Zhonghuan’s business is expected to continue to grow robustly this year.

Facing the uncertainty of the global economy, the Group will firmly promote its global leading development strategy, consolidate its basic capacity and actively expand the global operation. In the meantime, the Group will prudently assess the project investments, manage operations risks, maintain financial stability, and achieve development against the trend.

The Company has always been dedicated to returning high value to its shareholders. The Board of Directors has proposed a final dividend of RMB1.5 per 10 shares to share the value of corporate growth with shareholders.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the trust of all our shareholders, for the support
from all our partners and users, as well as for the efforts of all employees!



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